Thursday, 7 July 2011

Corruption in Pakistan

• Introduction
• Definition of corruption: It is misuse of power for the private/personal gain
• Types of Corruption: Petty, Grand and Political
• Incidence of corruption: rare, widespread, systemic
• Scenario of corruption in world in general and Pakistan in particular
• Corruption in Islamic teaching
• Quaid-i-Azam on corruption
• Causes of corruption
a. Dismal performance of Institutions
b. Poor governance
c. Lack of effective accountability
d. Meager income
e. Lack of Transparency 
• Impact of corruption
I. Deteriorate the quality of governance
II. Moral degeneration
III. Shamble the economy i.e. increase poverty, inflation
IV. Injustice to people
V. Widening the gap between rich and poor
• Remedial Measures
i. Rule of law
ii. Effective accountability
iii. Mass awareness
iv. Adherence to Islamic principles
v. Role of transparency agencies
• Conclusion

“What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty form and in moving; how express and admirable. In action how like an angle, in apprehension how like a God; The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals.”
In these lines Shakespeare has beautifully exalted man but the same man is facing many problems created by man.
Corruption is a scourge that has badly affected the quality of governance, state of the economy and social justice available to the people. Corruption is defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gains. It is of different types. It is petty, grand and political. The petty corruption is usually linked with the lower salary employees and generally considered as facilitating payments, whereas, the grand corruption is associated with the high level bureaucracy. However, the political corruption as name indicates is related to the politician. They usually involve in this type corruption in order to maintain their status quo. The corruption varies in the rate of its presence, therefore in this regard the incidence of corruption may be rare, widespread or systemic. The rare corruption is easy to identify and control than widespread. Whereas, the systemic corruption becomes a way of life and it is very difficult to overcome. The corruption is universal, however, its existence varies in rate of occurrence. Since the inception of Pakistan, the country has witnessed of the rampant corruption. Many governments in general and the governments in decade of 1990 in particular has become the victim of the widespread corruption and corrupt practices. In a recent survey conducted by the Transparency International, Pakistan ranks lowered from 42th most corrupt country to 34th country in the world.

R.W.Emerson has said:
“Not gold but only men can make
A people great and strong
Man who
Stands fast and suffer long”
Islam explicitly condemns the existence of corruption in every form. Hazart Muhammad (PBUH) declared that;
"Damned is the bribe giver (or corruptor)-the bribe taker (the corrupted) and he who goes between them". 
Quaid-i- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has strongly condemned the presence of corruption. He avowed a strict action against such mal practices and their doer. 
The root causes of the rampant corruption in the country are lack of effective accountability, poor performance on the part of respective institutions, unchecked and unlimited power of feudal for vested interests.Corruption in Pakistan comes in as many forms as there could be. It comes in the form of bribery receiving and giving. It exists in the show of power and influence through real and concocted relationships with people in authority and the gains they can obtain from others. The worst form of corruption is intellectual and professional dishonesty to please or benefit a few individual at the cost of others. Equally dangerous is sycophancy which misleads people in decision making and has extremely harmful effects.
In America the rising expenses of elections have created a strange situation. The jewish business magnates have turned into kingmakers because of their money and the entire American nation is being held hostage to their ability to provide enormous amount of money for the election of key contenders. This is also a form of corruption which is monopolised by a few people.
The position in the East is worse because the democratic system has not been institutionalized. And because of this practice the level of corruption is much higher while the level of discipline much lower.
In china and India corruption is gaining momentum. The indiscipline is also following in the footsteps of corruption and several uprisings point out that corruption has gained firm roots in soil too. The presence of corruption and corrupt practices play a pivotal role to engender the deteriorate law and order, shackle the economy which leads to the inflation, unemployment and poverty in the country. Its presence distracts a man from ethics, humanely attitude, tradition and civic laws. The pervasive corruption in the country can be checked by applying certain measures. The government should ascertain the rule of law; it means equal application of law, equal protection by the law and equality before law, effective and impartial accountability, active role of media to eradicate the corruption are the few factors which can play an active to diminish the corruption.For a more lasting solution we will have to adopt effective measures to check corruption. Some of them (given below) can be helpful in reducing it if not uprooting it.
1.    People should be made aware of their rights. By providing general awareness to the masses, the chances of grabbing money from the people lowers to the minimum.
2.    Institutions should be made strong for proper working of the democratic system.
3.    Proper system of accountability and check and balance should be implemented.
4.    Red tapism is the major cause of corruption and e-governance is the best solution for this solving this problem.
5.    Anti-social activities should be condemned and resisted.
6.    Justice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices,
7.    Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption.
8.    The unemployed class should be provided jobs and recruited purely on merit.
9.    Education system must be revised and improved according to national needs.
10.  Stable governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption.

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